
Thursday 20 April 2017

A little more kindness can make a person life worth living!

              Be Kind because being kind makes not only others to be happy, but also make yourself happy and feel good about yourself. Kindness means everything that you can do to bring a smile on someone's face. If you see a child and that child smiles at you because you gave him a chocolate, then that kind of act is also considered kind. If you go on a public transport and see an elder person standing without a seat, offer them your seat which is also part of being kind. It is not what you do for others but how you do it, that makes you kind. Keep a smile on your face and always treat others with respect which not only makes you kind but also gives yourself a positive thought about yourself.

              Staying happy and thinking positive is a gift you can always give yourself. No matter what the issue is, stay happy. It is always easy to say to someone to stay happy but it is not as easy as it looks, but with many patience and try, surely one can find the happiness they are looking for. Being kind can make you happy and bring a positive outcome on your life. Love yourself because only you can understand you and it will make you stay happy and friendly to others. When you see someone in need, offer an helping hand. Not everyone ask for help, but sometimes we can identify those who needs such help.

              When you don't feel happy and you do not want to be kind to others, then be patient and calm because sometimes we may loose our temper and pour words which will take years to heal and sometimes, it just wont. Your little actions everyday can change the world, if not complete world, at least it can change your world. Everyone is fighting their own battle, so we never knew what goes through them, so its better to be kind so you wont have to feel guilty after being rude to anyone. One may believe that we have no power to make a difference, but in reality, you do have the power to make a difference if you focus more on giving than expecting a result for your actions.

              People have stressful jobs, family issues, responsibilities. Many are surely in need of kindness. It is not how much you give but how satisfied you are with giving. Embrace every moment of your life and be happy for the choices you make in life. Share your thoughts with others and smile at everyone you meet. Feed the hungry people, and take part in charity so that you can live a giving life. Overall, the world needs many kind people around so be one which can make yours and others life worth living 

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