
Sunday 13 December 2015

Save Animals

Animals are living organisms and they have equal rights just like every human has. Its our duty to share the world with every animal in this world. Without animals, the world will be a place with no happiness. The Love of an animal is pure. Animals are one of the best creation of Gods. We must respect Animals in every way we could and make the world a happier place for them.

In Today's world many animals are facing many problems because of the acts we humans do such as pollution, deforestation as well as Global warming. By knowing or not, we humans are also a reason for the animals to suffers. Lets have a small look at the animals that are suffering in specific country. In India, The tigers are suffering, there are only 3200 tigers left in the world and India's mangrove forest has more tigers. The projected rise in sea level can cause tigers to vanish.  In Australia, climate changes are affecting, and frogs are in danger, because frogs rely on water but the changes in rainfall can cause reduce in frog population. In Africa, elephants are facing this threat since it is unable to chance their habitat because of global warming. In Indonesia, the ape - Orang- utan is in trouble. Because of various pressures like climate change, and global warming, the rain forest in Indonesia are being threatened. In China, the giant panda's future is uncertain due to various issues like ecosystem, as well there diet and lesser population and global warming. There are only 1600 giant panda in this world. In America, the north Atlantic Right whale is in danger due to availability of food due to climate fluctuations. There are only 300 - 350 of them in the world now.  In South America, Sea turtles faces problems due to sea level. And In Canada, the polar bear are in deep trouble due to global warming since they depend on ice. Overall, All around the world, the animals are facing life issues. Its our time to save the animals and make the world a better place to live in.

Top 10 Ways To Help Animals:
1. Never ever ignore any stray animals on the street instead contact local animal shelter to report a lost animal. 
2. Read books and learn on how to care for your animals and educate yourself.
3. Have Plant Based Diet which helps to save animals and also healthy for you. 
4. Do not buy product that contains animal Ingredients. 
5. Donate to Animal Charities and organizations.
6. Do not buy shoes made of leather or fur
7. Do not buy products that was tested on animals
8. Adopt a Pet 
9. Contact your elected representatives and urge them to have a strong laws to protect animals. 
10. Share your love for animals and take proper care for them like children and keep your pets safe in your house.

Animals are happiness. World is nothing without animals. We humans needs the support of our animals to live and to love our life. We must share the world with animals and they equally deserve it as we do. Animals are the gift god sent us. It is important for all of us to love every animals. It is also very very important to care for them like we do for every humans. Animals should be treated as friends. So it is really important for us to help our animals and keep the world a better place to live.

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