
Sunday 27 December 2015

Love The Life You Have

Its important to love the life you have because there is only one life. Many people are happy in their lives, its not because they have a different life but they do a better job in living that those who are unhappy with their life. Be happy with the life god have given you. Be excited about what life has in place for you since every moment is changing. Enjoy your life as much as you can because life is all about making amazing memories. Its important for you to start your journey with passion, dedication and happiness. Love yourself so that you don't have to worry about what others think. Live the way your heart wishes, isn't an amazing moment when you smile during little pains? Live every moment to the fullest because we never know what tomorrow might bring. Do things you want to do, not because you have to do. Follow your heart. Have a peace within you and keep smiling.You choose to be happy. Have hopes, dreams as well as goal. Its important to think about future and to make right decisions. 

Finding the passion: Its important to have a passion for yourselves. Never be confused when it comes to choosing what your heart desires for. There is nothing to be scared of when it comes to finding and fulfilling your passion. People does not have any rights to talk about the things you do, so dream your passion. Its better to look at the all the things you do for your passion rather than looking back with emptiness, regret and wonder how you did not achieve it. Follow your dream to achieve your goals. Its never too late to find a passion which inspires you, and you can surely change the life the way you wish for it. Having a passion will fulfill your life and bring you joy. Begin today, it is the best day to start the process of finding the thing which can make you in to better person. 

Have Fun: Its important to have fun in your life. Many people tend to take life seriously and struggle for work where they forget to live happily. Life does not always have to be stressful and serious, there are so many things that can simply make your life to be happy and it is essential to be positive and remove stress. Surround yourself with positive people and have space and energy. Change your perspective on how you view life and make fun a priority even during the time you fulfill your duty and responsibility. Simplify your life and schedule your time and declare a space to relax. You can always remember those days that makes you happy. 

Don't worry and Take Care Of Your Health: Worries make you feel sad and it is a self defeating cycle which traps us. The more we worry, the more we forget to live in the present. Worrying can give negative impact on your health. Think differently and try not to worry often and bring a solution to the conflict than bringing worry. You cannot fully enjoy your life if there is an health issue. Take care of your health by following proper diet and medical assistance. Try to eat more of vegetables and fruits which can make you healthy. Making health choices like not smoking can also make you healthy. Start exercising, and cut the junk foods and take proper care of yourself. 

Spend Time With your loved Ones: This is very very important because it is a must which you can never regret in your life. Spending quality time with your loved once is really important than anything in this world. Focus a lot on spending time with the people you care for more. Relationships are most important part of our lives and they feed our soul and make us into a better person. Contact your loved once often and tell them you care about them before it is too late. 

You only have one life, make it wise. It is important to live every moment and the main goal is to be happy in your life. Whatever life you may have, make it worth. Love the life you have because you only have one. Take care of those who need you and god will take care of you. Be happy and work on your passion.  Love the life you have with no regrets. 

Sunday 13 December 2015

Save Animals

Animals are living organisms and they have equal rights just like every human has. Its our duty to share the world with every animal in this world. Without animals, the world will be a place with no happiness. The Love of an animal is pure. Animals are one of the best creation of Gods. We must respect Animals in every way we could and make the world a happier place for them.

In Today's world many animals are facing many problems because of the acts we humans do such as pollution, deforestation as well as Global warming. By knowing or not, we humans are also a reason for the animals to suffers. Lets have a small look at the animals that are suffering in specific country. In India, The tigers are suffering, there are only 3200 tigers left in the world and India's mangrove forest has more tigers. The projected rise in sea level can cause tigers to vanish.  In Australia, climate changes are affecting, and frogs are in danger, because frogs rely on water but the changes in rainfall can cause reduce in frog population. In Africa, elephants are facing this threat since it is unable to chance their habitat because of global warming. In Indonesia, the ape - Orang- utan is in trouble. Because of various pressures like climate change, and global warming, the rain forest in Indonesia are being threatened. In China, the giant panda's future is uncertain due to various issues like ecosystem, as well there diet and lesser population and global warming. There are only 1600 giant panda in this world. In America, the north Atlantic Right whale is in danger due to availability of food due to climate fluctuations. There are only 300 - 350 of them in the world now.  In South America, Sea turtles faces problems due to sea level. And In Canada, the polar bear are in deep trouble due to global warming since they depend on ice. Overall, All around the world, the animals are facing life issues. Its our time to save the animals and make the world a better place to live in.

Top 10 Ways To Help Animals:
1. Never ever ignore any stray animals on the street instead contact local animal shelter to report a lost animal. 
2. Read books and learn on how to care for your animals and educate yourself.
3. Have Plant Based Diet which helps to save animals and also healthy for you. 
4. Do not buy product that contains animal Ingredients. 
5. Donate to Animal Charities and organizations.
6. Do not buy shoes made of leather or fur
7. Do not buy products that was tested on animals
8. Adopt a Pet 
9. Contact your elected representatives and urge them to have a strong laws to protect animals. 
10. Share your love for animals and take proper care for them like children and keep your pets safe in your house.

Animals are happiness. World is nothing without animals. We humans needs the support of our animals to live and to love our life. We must share the world with animals and they equally deserve it as we do. Animals are the gift god sent us. It is important for all of us to love every animals. It is also very very important to care for them like we do for every humans. Animals should be treated as friends. So it is really important for us to help our animals and keep the world a better place to live.

Monday 7 December 2015

Chennai Will Come Strong As Ever!

             Once upon a time, We felt Rain are the most amazing thing in life and that they make us happy, but what happens when there is so much rain and many humans are in danger? Well, its sad indeed and it will have pressure on each of us to see them sufferings. Right now, Chennai, India's fourth largest city is having its heaviest Rain for past few days. Many people have died because of it while Many citizens are having real tough times of their life. November was the month where there was Rain in Chennai, but it is also continuing now in December. Waters even came on many houses and gave a huge trouble to almost every person's house. Many volunteers, Army and even actors are trying their best to help others in the city. This Rain brought a closure to schools, colleges and even the international Airport.

             Chennai have proved that it is one place which has Humanity as strong as anything. It is mandatory to help everyone we can and that is important to love our city and help its people. Chennai is now teaching a lesson to all of us by its humbleness and humanity. No region or religion is separating the souls which are there for their city. Many Celebrities are trying there best to make the city strong. Twitter have also been a huge support where many people are showing their support. Its highly important to get your body checked and make sure you are healthy. It was also a proud moment for all of us when all the mosques, churches and temple have opened their hands for affected people 24/7 during the floods. The meaning for 'Sharing is caring' is understood when people were sharing their home, foods, vehicles to strangers without questions.

Some Common Questions with its Verified Answers: 

What to do if you have lost domestic Gas consumer Card: If you or anyone you know lost their domestic gas consumer card in the Chennai flood then you can approach your local distributors to recover it by providing your registered address and the distributor will spot the consumer number and the new card can be issued.

What to do if you have lost Government Documents: The loss of government documents like Ration Card, Licence, Aadhar card in Chennai flood then you can recover it by contacting Satta Panchayat call center at 7667100100.

The Worry of Garbage and diseases: Due to water stagnation, garbage has been an issue, Its important to prevent it from disease, so doctors have advised to mix kerosene and bleaching powder with the water to prevent it.

             Where there is will, there is a way! We must get our city back and even stronger than before and make it as a happier place. Its amazing if you have provided foods, and shelter, but our work is not over yet, we need to make our city back like before. Each one of us have to do our part for this and support our city. If you are willing to Donate, Please donate it only through people who you know well of. Now Lets pray for no rain and lets work together and make our Chennai back to normal and make it a safe place and make it come as strong as ever. A thread of humanity is connecting all of us with no region or religion, our hearts are beating the same!  

Sunday 15 November 2015

Say No To Cyber Bullying!

What is Cyber Bullying?

Cyber Bullying is when people uses technology to bully an individual  or a group of people with the intention of causing a harm. They might harm socially, as well as psychologically. It causes fear, shame, guilt as well as depression.

What Does Cyber bullying Looks like?

It can occur in many ways by sending abusive and hurtful texts, emails, messages, images and videos. Its also about imitating as well as fake on online.

What to do if you are being Cyber Bulling?

If You are being cyber bulled you can do certain things in order to avoid it like avoid responding to them, collect the evidence of the messages, emails, and other social networking conversations. You can also feel free to block the person who is engaged in bullying and change your privacy settings. You can report the abuse to the social media service and ask others to report them as well. You can talk to people like parent, teacher or friend for further help with giving a complaint against them.

How to Help your friend if they are being cyber bulled?

You can help your friends by not joining in and commenting which will hurt others. Don't forward or share any posts that will hurt others. Leave all the group that has negativity. Report the bullying to a trustworthy adult like parents, teachers. Call other close people and ask the bullying person to stop. Support your friends and let them know you are there for them.

How to Stop Cyber Bullying?

Believe that it is not your fault: If Someone treats you badly, then it is not your fault even when there is an argument, because no one deserved to be treated cruelly.

Don't Respond: Don't respond to people who are treating you worse, this will give them the intention to stop.

Save Evidence: Save the evidence of messages or any materiel against them which they have sent.

Reach Out For Help: Ask help to people and if you can give a complaint on social media as well as cyber bullying officials.            

Cyber Bullying have become one of the most irritating thing that youngsters get into now a days. Do not take everything personal. Move ahead and get the help you can. Make sure to be safe and not share any personal information that can be used against you. Be careful on what you share like your pictures. Lets take a stand together, as a unity we all can stop the cyber bullying and make social media a positive and healthier place. 

Sunday 18 October 2015

School Days Are the Best Days Of Our Life!

          School Days are the best days of out life. We all know how beautiful it was during school days. Those days when our teacher guides us to overcome challenges. We grow our confidences during school days. We do try to forget some tough memories during school but we can never forget those days. We got friends in school for life. The best days when we felt extreme happy to be a part of somethings like social activities and laughs, those projects which helps us to be a better person. The steps we took during study to get higher marks and the cleaver ideas on what we wanted to be in future. Those endless talks about everything with friends during break times and those days where we used to make fun on one another. It makes us think that this is one of the best days we can get despite all the difficulties we faced and makes us believe in good memories. 

          We don't really like school when we were in it, we sometimes even cry to go there but once we graduate, its something we want to go back to. The memories of school is something that many of us will cherish forever and that we can always smile by it memories. The best thing about school is the friends we get from there. Seeing friends everyday is what makes school awesome. School gives us an opportunity to be with our friends. Everyone loves to hang out with friends 5 days a week and enjoy the talks and plays. Friends from school are those who will be remembered forever. 

           Your favorite subjects are one of the best thing in school because you get to learn more about your favorite subject. We will be like "Wow! This is the best class ever!" and that gives you a better idea for your future. Almost every student have cried for the last day of school. It brings a tear and makes you feel sad because the days where you lived with no worry is coming to an end. Those days where you wait for a vacation and those days where you wait for the school to start after Annual Exams. Those Days in school where you participate on functions and Celebrate in school.  Those days where you complain 24 hours about Math.

           Finally, There comes a day where you had tears to leave the place which gave you thousands and thousands of memory. The day when you wish you have one more opportunity to spend your childhood again with these people. The day you don't want to leave but you have no other choice. With tears in your eyes, you say good bye and even after growing up, you still will feel that you wish you should get at least one more day to spend there. Life is all about making memories. School gives you an opportunity to makes a lot of memories which can never be forgotten. Lets take a minute to rethink our school days and thank all of our teachers, friends for giving us the best feel. 

Tuesday 11 August 2015

The Art Of Getting What You Want!

          How do we get something that we want in work and in life? Well, this question drives many of us. Many advice are available every day from people around us on what we should do, and who we should be, but don’t we have a heart to do what we feel and what we want? Is our heart a toy for others to decide on what we should do? Don’t we have rights to decide on what we shall do?  Do you have a dream for yourself that you want to achieve?  In order to get what you want, first what you have to do is to overcome your fears and decide what you want to do. Set a particular goal for yourself and try to accomplish it by your hard work.   

Top 10 things you can do to achieve your goal:
  1. Be Positive and Stay Motivated: Being positive will help you reach amazing heights. Always believe that you can do it and stay motivated. Believe that even with pain, sorrows, and evil, there is always something good and that you can focus on being positive and stay motivated and feel yourself that you can do it.
  2. Express yourself to those that you are comfortable with and share your dream with them:  Be expressive to the people you are comfortable with like a family member or best friend. They can suggest you if it is good for you and how you can achieve that.
  3. Ask for a Favor if you need: Ask help to people who can help you for achieving it. Tell them why you want to achieve it.
  4. Be friendly: Be as sweet as you can and friendly to everyone no matter if they help you or not. It will help you to improve your character and feel good for trying your tasks.
  5. Ignore negativity: Ignore the negative thoughts. Never ever think that you cannot achieve your goal.
  6. Dedicate your time: Give more time to your task and consider it. Take more time to work on your goal.
  7. Start with extreme Demand: “Aim for the moon and if u miss, u can hit a star”, goal higher and try to reach higher.
  8. Believe in Yourself: Believe that you can do it and try. Believing in your self is mandatory in order to reach your goal.
  9. Remind yourself why you want: Keep reminding yourself that why you want this particular goal. This will help you to work more on your goal.
  10. Track your Progress: Keep tracking your growth so that you will know where you stand and helps you for accomplishing your tasks.
               All of us have right to dream. Dreaming helps us to achieve what we want.  Keep dreaming and follow these steps to achieve what you want. Remember it is important to stay healthy and hydrated, so eat well and Drink a lots of water and get enough of sleep which will play a majority role on reaching your goal.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Healthy Eating

            Life is impossible without food, but we need to make sure that we eat healthy. Healthy eating is never about following strict dietary limitations, or being thin, but it is about feeling wonderful by the things you love, having more energy, improving your outlook and surely to have a wonderful mood. If you feel that there are problems in the nutrition you take and needs an advice then you are not alone. You can follow these advice and tips which will help you to cut through the confusion and learn on how to create tasty, variety, and healthy diet which will be good for your mind and body.

Healthy Eating Tips: 

Drink Plenty Of Water: Water helps to stay hydrated, many people go through dehydration which causes tiredness, and headaches, so staying hydrated will help you to make healthier food choices. You can also drink lemon water. 

Eat Lots of Whole Grains: Make sure that at least half of your grain choices are whole grain such as whole grain wheat, whole oats, or barley. It's higher in vitamins, minerals, than the refined grains. There is variety of options like eating bowl of whole grain cereal, sandwiches using whole grain breads, or even whole grain pasta. 

Eat lots of Vegetable and Fruits: Vegetables and fruits are full of nutrients and fibre and there are variety of them, so its good to include at least one dark green and one orange vegetable a day. Fill half of your plates with vegetables for dinner. 

Drink Milk: Its mandatory to drink 2 cups of milk everyday because milk products are packed with protein and calcium and B Vitamins. 

Choose healthier fats: Fats and oils add flavor to foods, and they help to absorb nutrients, but having too much unhealthy fats leads to health risks like heart disease. Enjoy little amount of unsaturated fats each day. Healthier unsaturated foods include include avocados, nuts and seeds and also oils like olive, canola, and nuts oil. 

           Breakfast is really an important meal for the day, so don’t skip it. It makes you feel energetic and alert. Try to eat slowly which will help you to eat less and you can enjoy your food more. Eat lesser sugar. Eat lots of fibre contained foods. Eat fishes like salmon which is good to be healthy. Eating healthy is mandatory, but so does controlling foods like cakes, and sweets. Life will be so fun when you are following a very well healthy life style. So, it’s important to choose a healthy life style of eating healthy foods.  

Saturday 11 July 2015

Poverty and the Effects of it!

         Poverty has become a huge issue in the world. Many adults and kids suffer because of it. The Rich is getting richer while the poor is getting poorer. Many people are not having enough of food and clothes. In some countries, people are not having proper school or clinic. How would life be if we don't have proper basic needs like food and water? Many children die because of this issue. There are many causes and effects, some causes includes historical causes like slavery, war and colonialism. Common causes includes lack of education, overpopulation, high divorce rate, changing trends in country's economy, environmental problems like rainfall. Income of inequality is also a major cause of this issue. If property occurs then there are chances for terrorism as well because much terrorist organization pushes people to join terrorism because of no income in their country.

        Isn't awkward at how some women are not allowed to go to work in some countries? Many people are having a luxurious life, but some are dying for water and food? For instance, India is a rich country according to sources where it has good education and resources, but some people are poor with no savings, low investments and very low income. The static which brought sadness is that in rural areas with 1% GDP for health is given in India. 50% don't have shelters, 70% don't have sanitation facility. Have good resources, water, minerals, transportation, industries, and most billionaire's are only from India. Also it has strong links with other countries. Many corruptions have happened in India like 2G scam, Bribes, Child labor.

       We all have responsibility to stop poverty, if we all put our effort to control the property, then one day we will have a country with no hungry stomach. To remove poverty, the government have to take action and it is necessary to address a politician's will before voting them. Think about it, if we increase the food protection and increase the agricultural land, then every one of us will get the food we need. Women empowerment is needed because the population has 50%  of women, so if women works then chances are have a developed country. Stop wasting food, eat as much as you want, but don't waste it.

      If we all put our work and effort to control poverty then one day for sure we will have a country full of happy stomach. Remember, a developed country is not when the poor has a car, but it's about rich people going on a bus. 

Monday 6 July 2015

Sad Side Of The Parents!

          Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool and a comedy for the rich and a tragedy for the poor, but what about life to the parents whose children left the, and living alone? Well, its a hell. A parent is someone who is there for you, brought you up and brought a smile in to your face by buying you all the things you wished for. They bought you clothes, got you properties for future and made you well educated. As children, we are always taught to respect our parents. It is duty of the children to take care of their parents when they grow old. As far as possible the old people must live with their children. This gives them emotional satisfaction. These days we have seen the statistic where the members of the old age home are increasing day by day. Some people are not even thinking that their parents are the reason for their existence.

        Today people want to live their life with their choices, but they need to understand that today whatever they are and whatever they have achieved would not have possible without the hard work, planning and countless sacrifices of their parents. They will understand this automatically when they enter parenthood. So our advice is please don't be selfish, respect your parents. They have spent their entire life only for the success and happiness of their kids. Now it should be our responsibility to take a very good care of them and give them a chance to feel proud of us.

       Many arrogant youngsters feel that making old parents stay with them can cause privacy issues. Many of them don't want parents to interfere with their private lives. Many are so selfish that they find it hard to take care of old, bed- ridden parents. We believe that adult children should take care of old, bed- ridden parents. We believe that adult children should take care of their elderly parents as necessary. Parents provide for the care of their children; this should be a reciprocal relationship when the child grows to adulthood. At the very least, an adult should fund the care of their elderly parent if the parents is unable to do so. Without your parents you won't be in this height you are now. So why don't you take a moment to thank them for everything they did to make you the person who you are? Thank them for being alive and giving you a life by helping them! DON'T BRING YOUR PARENTS DOWN, BECAUSE THEY BROUGHT YOU UP. 

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Incredible Women!

            Women have many talents and responsibilities. Women are those that studies well and accomplish. As women everyone needs a special identification for themselves throughout their life. Women are the best creatures that god have created. Women are the one that gave birth to you. She is the best mother, caring daughter, Supportive Wife and an incredible sister who plays an important role in our daily life. Without Women, the world will be as empty as no food, and shelter. Whatever you give women, she makes sure she multiplies and gives it to you. For instance, if you give her a house, she will give you a sweet home. Try giving her some attention and time and your smile, she will give you her heart.

           Women are those that are achieving more in today's world, but there are some women who are hiding themselves in the name of 'Home Maker' and not having time, at least some time for themselves. A women get married to live happily and not to stay stressed and having restrictions. They get married, have kids and spend time for their families, but not for themselves. Is marriage date is the expiration date for their dreams and desires? Marriages should bring the best for both and men and women. Even after marriage she shall work to show herself to the world. Marriage should never be a full stop to those that needs to achieve. They says successful women can't have successful marriage, but isn't that so wrong? Successful women can have successful marriage if she has a successful husband.

          The world encourages women to achieve. A woman has a dream for some freedom for herself. Every woman should have desire for herself.  We shall live life to the fullest. We should show who we are and make ourselves proud. We should have the ability to work for ourselves and not being dependent on others. Every woman should have a goal for herself and should carry herself well with that specific goal.  She must have confidence for herself and should not expect what others will think. Believe that you can be successful. It is important to have a supportive partner who have confidence in you and support your goal for achieving personal and professional success.  Taking care of you physically and mentally is one important task to be successful.

           A woman is someone who is stronger and caring. As a mother she nurture you, as a wife she cares for you, as a daughter she is there to make you smile, as a sister she is there to give you all the fun. Respect those that are around you and support them as you can. Every woman has a dream and you can surely help her to achieve it. A woman is not the one who stays in kitchen whole day and does your laundry, cooks for you and wait for you, but she is the one who has a heart for herself and shares your pain and takes part in it. Give your women some space and watch her rule the world with her success. Every women is a queen in her own way.