
Monday, 5 September 2016

Money Cannot buy happiness...

                 Happiness comes in many ways. Many people believe that money are one of the major reasons for happiness. Money can buy many things, but surely it will not buy happiness. Happiness comes within ourselves. Happiness comes from our closed ones. Happiness comes when we are proud of ourselves as well as our family and friends. If you think winning a huge amount on lottery makes you happier forever, then please think again. Money can never be the reason for someone being happy. It may be a temporary happiness but in order to have a lasting happiness, one must find it within themselves or around themselves.

              In order to be happy, create that happiness by being yourself. There are people who does many things to earn money. Some times people don't often realize that their intentions are bad. By working hard only, one can get money, but there are some people who tries to betray others and earn money. They think earning such money will make them feel rich, but there is no such way because even if it is a lesser amount to survive it have to come from their hard work. Working hard can give you such a satisfaction which you can never get. Money should be a part of life, but it should not become a life.

              Some people think, we can buy everything if we have enough money for it. But there are lots of things which money can never buy like true friends and people who cares for you and your character. Finding true people are hard these days because everyone is busy with their life but if you can come across such people in your life then you must be the luckiest person. Hold on to such people in life because those are the people who likes you for who you are and definitely not for how much you have on your bank account. Smile, laughter, memories are also few things which are very very precious and surely money can no way buy them for life long as it can only come naturally.

             Money can be important to survive but it surely not as important as happiness. People who think money is everything must try to think again about their opinion. Money can make you feel happy for a while but it cannot permanently. There are people who have lost many things in life but they have lots of money with them, but can they live happily even after such? No. So, make your choices right, because money is not life and it should be taken as a part. Money are used only to buy things we like and definitely it cannot be an ingredient for a happy life. Overall, money can buy anything we desire, but in order to have a happy life, one must not always rely on money because there are many things money cannot buy. 

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