
Wednesday 17 January 2018

How Social Medias Destroy Teenagers and their Life!

Hello everyone, Today we will be talking about how social medias affects youngsters and their life. Youngsters, they are the dream for tomorrow's bright nation. Youngsters are those who we need to make a better tomorrow. Many youngsters today have an addiction, and social media is becoming one of the most widely used network among young adults. According to statistics an average number of time spent on social media is 1.72 hours per day, and 27 hours per week in the year 2015. The internet has a population of 3.5 billion users, and every 15 seconds a new member joins the social media. Facebook and Whatsapp messenger has itself is 60 billion per day. Moreover, social networks have earned estimation of $8.3 billion in advertising in the year 2015, and 500,000 new user everyday joins Facebook.

Now, let us see the effects social media brings in the life of youngsters, firstly, it lowers the time you spend with your family. Youngsters who spend more time on their phone is spending less time with their family. These are the days were many youngsters are failing to fulfill their families wish which is to spend more time. If they are going out with family, they eventually are spending more time with their mobile phones rather than doing the talking with their family members, also there are lesser direct communication among family and friends as these days are becoming more text friendly. There used to be time where we will be playing with our friends outdoor, and these days youngsters are playing games on Facebook than going out and play.

Not only social media affects relationship with friends and family, but also it becomes a huge addiction among youngsters. No matter the time, place, or environment, there are youngsters who we often see hanging out with their phones. There were also few youngsters who text and drive, they text when crossing the road which definitely will affect them. The addiction social network has on youngsters is rapidly increasing day by day. These addiction leads to depression as days goes by. Not only depression, but these addiction will also brings sadness to youngsters. Always remember, you have to control technology but technology cannot control you.

There are people in social medias who posts about their life, and there are some people who compares both their life and eventually gets depressed or has lower self esteem, and this is mentally unhealthy. Moreover, many fake news are getting spread by social media and also cyber bullying is becoming more common as well as dangerous. There are many people who spend hours in social network for likes by uploading pictures and life routines. Social media is not harmful, but overdose of them is surely harmful. Live a little, love more, enjoy the present, for few minutes switch of the phone and pay respect to those who are talking to you, spend time with family, because when you look back, the likes will not be there for you, but your friends and family will.