
Wednesday 12 October 2016

Mothers: Gift Of Life!

              The biggest blessing anyone can ask for is their mother. Every relationship in the world expects something from you. but it is the love of a mother that does not expect anything from you except your love. A mother is a blessing god have given their child. Anyone can buy anything in life, but the love of a mother can never be bought. She takes care of you and makes sure you are well. She sees your emotions and feelings even though you did not tell her. With her smile, and talks, she manages to make you happy.

                     She manages to overcome all the pains to bring you to the world. She have lost lots of sleep in her life because when you were young, you used to wake her up for all your needs. Who took care of you when you were young and knew nothing about being clean? When you have a mother then you have everything to be successful in the world. She carries your dreams like hers, and she is the one who loves you more than herself. 

                    When you are sad, and feeling lonely, laying on her shoulders can give you peace. She will tell you not to be sad and hurt and makes you smile by saying her child will never loose. No matter how old you get, you will be a child to your mother always. When you are disappointed with something, she is their to guide you. Anyone can come and go in life, but mothers will always stay. Sometimes we hurt her and makes her sad, but when we say sorry she will forget everything and stay with us like before. 

                    God created mothers because he trust mothers so much and that he knew that his beloved kids will always have someone who keeps thinking about them. Mothers are the real blessing. Without mother and her support, we will be suffering a lot in life. Every relationship may be there from the time you are born, but a relationship with mother is always 9 months more than that. Love your mother because you can never get another like her. Be supportive, caring, and take care of her because no matter how much you do for her, you can never replace what she gave you which is life. Mothers are blessing we have beside us always, so cherish her. 

Sunday 11 September 2016

How to Loose Weight And Feel Awesome About it!

               There are many people in this world who wants to loose weight to feel awesome about it. Some people try a lot and does not loose weight easily while for some people no matter how much they eat, they can never loose weight. There are many things one can do in order to loose weight and feel awesome about it.

Things you can do to loose Weight: 

  • Avoid Sugary Foods, and canned fruit Juices: It is important to avoid lots of sugars because sugars are not much healthy and can often makes you gain more weight. Avoid sugary foods, and also do not drink canned fruit juices since they are very unhealthy for your diet. 
  • Walk at least 45 minutes a day: It is really very healthy to walk at least minutes a day. Walk as much as you can but make sure you get at least 45 minutes of walk a day which does not only make you loose weight and also makes you be healthy always.   
  • Drink Lots of Water: Drinking water makes you feel hydrated and control your stress. It is also very helpful in many ways for your health. Water also helps with cleansing your body and help you loose weight much quicker. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday. 
  • Eat Fresh fruits and Vegetables: Eating fresh fruits and vegetables are really healthy for you and your diet. They also help you to maintain healthy body as well as to loose weight. You must add one green vegetable a day and one type of fruit a day.
  • Eat slow: Eating slow makes you loose weight because it makes you taste your food and can limit your intake in foods but feel complete with your food. 
  • Eat low Carbs Foods: Low carbohydrate foods makes you loose weight soon because carbohydrate makes you gain lots of weight. 
  • Get Enough Sleep: Getting enough sleep makes you feel healthy and stress free. Get at least 6-7 hours of sleep per day. 
  • Eat a big breakfast, and lesser Dinner: Eat lots of food in your breakfast and limit your food in dinner because eating at morning makes you get digest. Also, finishing your dinner 3 hours before you sleep is also a good way to reduce your weight and be healthy. 
  • Don't skip meals and dinner: Skipping meals is certainly not a healthy way and especially if you are on a diet, make sure to eat your meals properly. 
  • Drink Lemon Water: Last, but not least, Lemon water are excellent source when it comes to loosing your weight. They help you loose as much weight as you can and makes you feel awesome about yourself. 
                Loosing weight must not be easy for everyone, but with proper dedication and effort, one can loose weight in healthier way. Many people go for treatments when it comes to loosing weight, but that is always not healthy and one must not try such. It is often good to go in way that is healthy and by doing these tips one can loose proper weight. Being yourself is one such way to be beautiful, so you are good that way, so don't get upset if you cannot loose weight in few days, always try your best and be happy for who you are.  

Monday 5 September 2016

Money Cannot buy happiness...

                 Happiness comes in many ways. Many people believe that money are one of the major reasons for happiness. Money can buy many things, but surely it will not buy happiness. Happiness comes within ourselves. Happiness comes from our closed ones. Happiness comes when we are proud of ourselves as well as our family and friends. If you think winning a huge amount on lottery makes you happier forever, then please think again. Money can never be the reason for someone being happy. It may be a temporary happiness but in order to have a lasting happiness, one must find it within themselves or around themselves.

              In order to be happy, create that happiness by being yourself. There are people who does many things to earn money. Some times people don't often realize that their intentions are bad. By working hard only, one can get money, but there are some people who tries to betray others and earn money. They think earning such money will make them feel rich, but there is no such way because even if it is a lesser amount to survive it have to come from their hard work. Working hard can give you such a satisfaction which you can never get. Money should be a part of life, but it should not become a life.

              Some people think, we can buy everything if we have enough money for it. But there are lots of things which money can never buy like true friends and people who cares for you and your character. Finding true people are hard these days because everyone is busy with their life but if you can come across such people in your life then you must be the luckiest person. Hold on to such people in life because those are the people who likes you for who you are and definitely not for how much you have on your bank account. Smile, laughter, memories are also few things which are very very precious and surely money can no way buy them for life long as it can only come naturally.

             Money can be important to survive but it surely not as important as happiness. People who think money is everything must try to think again about their opinion. Money can make you feel happy for a while but it cannot permanently. There are people who have lost many things in life but they have lots of money with them, but can they live happily even after such? No. So, make your choices right, because money is not life and it should be taken as a part. Money are used only to buy things we like and definitely it cannot be an ingredient for a happy life. Overall, money can buy anything we desire, but in order to have a happy life, one must not always rely on money because there are many things money cannot buy. 

Sunday 31 July 2016

The Beauty Of Niagara Falls!

               Nature is one of the best friend for every person. It feels amazing to travel around which can help you forget stress and makes you feel relaxed. For everyone, it is surely a dream to visit the Niagara Falls one day. Niagara falls is one of the must visit place around the world and it is surely one of the largest falls in the world. It have something for everyone no matter what their age is. Some loves to see the nature in quiet way to stay relaxed while some love to explore the falls in adventurous way. Here, we will be seeing the special tourism that Niagara falls offers for its excited travelers.

Attractions In Niagara Falls:

               These were some of the pictures from the falls which will show the beauty around the falls. Niagara offers many things to everyone which includes Journey Behind The Falls which take you deep through the rock and make you watch one of the most remarkable views of the falls. There is also Niagara's fury which will give the best 4-D experience which will have a moving visuals for the whole family. There is also a White water walk which makes you walk at the edge of the river. The Aero Car in the Niagara is the best for the people who will love to go on a adventure as it rides the best on top of the Niagara River and makes you feel so thrilled. The cruises in Niagara takes you much closer to the falls and make you watch the best view on the falls.

Foods in Niagara Falls: 

                Niagara falls offers one of the best foods and has many different culture restaurants around as well. There are many restaurants which will make you eat as well as look over the falls while eating. You will get many types of foods around and many countries foods as well which will make you much happier by the importance one can get for foods. 

                 There are also many places around the falls which will be the best places for everyone to visit like Butterfly Conservatory, Botanical Gardens, Floral Show house, Floral clock, Oakes Garden theatre which will make you enjoy. It is also one of the place to shop, Who does not like shopping? Everyone does, so shopping makes this tourist spot much attractive. The shopping is much famous for its amazing T- Shirts, Key chains, Fridge magnets, snow globes, paper weights and even for amazing decorative spoons. 

                   This beautiful place is one of the must visit for everyone. This place is for every human being to enjoy. It is important for a person to enjoy their life and travel will surely make them enjoy as much as they can. Through travelling, one can feel much happier and better. Travelling makes you understand yourself better. Niagara falls in surely one of the best place that should be placed on your bucket list. Happy Travelling.. 

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Monday 4 July 2016

The Pain That Never Fades..

                 All our life we may face some pain which can either make us or break us in to pieces. A pain is something that changes us, and makes us grow. Pain makes people stronger as well as weaker where it entirely depends on how you take it. A Pain can come in many ways which includes physically, as well as emotionally. There are medicines for Physical pain but there are not much medicines for emotional pain. The cure for emotional pain is not much known, but as days passes we eventually try to live with them. By overcoming this pain, you will know how to tolerant other pains. Never share your pains with anyone because there are people who loves to see you suffer.

             Through Pain, you can understand yourself much better and help yourselves be better person. Pain can make you take better decision in life because failures usually causes pain, and by realizing the mistake we can change ourselves and be a better person, so that the pain won'r repeat and make you suffer. There are few pains in life which will never fades away from us, and those pain can be with us through life. These types of pains are those that can lead you to depression and anxiety. Pain comes when we loose an important person in life as well as when we loose something. No one gets everything they wish in life, but some looses might even makes us think that the world is nothing.

             In such pain, never loose hope. Tomorrow will always be there to make you smile, and to realize your worth. Every human is special in some ways. No one deserve to live with pain. One day or other, all the pains will give you pleasure and make you a wise and better person. Pains are sometimes reason for a person to stay simple yet most achieving. Every person who have achieved so much in life must have felt true pain because success can never come easily. Feel your pain, overcome the pain by doing what you love the most. Be with your close one and share it with them. Smile because it can make you feel better. Love yourself and set a goal to achieve and then the sky is the limit. Learn from your pain even though it can never fade but can surely makes you an amazing person. 

Thursday 9 June 2016

The Experience Of Being Let Down By Best Friend!

          A Best friend is someone who encourage us and motivate us. They often stays with us through everything and will always shares happiness and sadness with us always. Best Friend can make you smile even when the whole world is making you cry. People always rely on their best friend, and will always count on them. Some people will even say that their friends are everything for them, but what if the best friend disappoints you? What if they break your heart and betrayed you? What happens if a Best friend who you always wanted to spend every minute of yours lets you down? Life will turn into a mystery when the person who always counted on you lets you down.

           There are some friends who uses others in the name of friendship without thinking that how much an other person gets saddened by their decision. Friendship is very important in everyone life because it involves trust, and faith in each other. When the person who you thought was trustworthy letting you down can make you sad and also it might spoil your relationship with others. Sometimes people even stop trusting others because of the mistake one does. The bond of friendship is very emotional hence it can make you emotionally week when a friend leaves.

           For some, their friends are everything, and they might even always listens to their friends while for some friends are just a part of everyday life. It all depends on how we take. Some take their friends for granted and only be with them if they want something. Life gets saddened to many when the friend of their life takes them for granted. For instance, There was a girl who always counted on her best friend, they both were such a close friends who had no secrets, but one day the other friend left her because she found another friend to take granted for, and now the real friend is depressed because of the actions she took. Overall, there are many people who take us for granted and it is all about how they take things, but if they are unable to take it lightly then it is always better to be careful when it comes to pick friends.

          We cannot choose many relations, but we can surely choose our friends, so choose some who wont take you for granted and also those who are willing to make you happy and smile. Friends should be like siblings. Friends should be the one who you can share your secrets with. Friends should be part of your happiness, and definitely not someone who will leave you for their happiness. Be the kind of a friend that you want and everything will be as happy. Smile often and always support your friends who will never ever give up on you. 

Monday 18 April 2016

How Much Do You Love Your Mom?


            A mother is the best person in the world for their children. Every mother is unique and has a special care for their children. It is really important for everyone to love their mother because one can never get another mother. A mother bought you to the world, feed you, takes care of you and makes sure you are having a healthy and happy life. A mother is someone who is the support system for their children. A mother shares everything with you and helps you in every way she can.

            Who took care of you when you cannot even walk for yourself when you were little? Who made sure that you are healthy and eating your food? Who was doing all your works? Who took care of you when you are sick? It is none other than your mother. So, what can you do to her back? Your love, because you can never give her what she gave you because she gave you life and it is because of her you are here in this world. Your life is a gift given by your mother. Love your mother because without her, you are not even part of this world.

            A mother is someone who can give you the best advice of your life. She will tell you about you openly than anyone else does because all she cares about is "YOU". When you are sad, she will try all her best to bring that smile on your face. A mother went through so many struggles in her life when you were born. She will be the person who you can always count on because for every mother, their children are the best and they make sure they get best of everything.

           She prepares your favorite foods, and also washes your clothes. She spends money on you and for you. She gets you ready for school. She carried you within her and gave you life. Anything you desire can be achieved if you have enough money, but the mother's love is impossible for one to get. It is the mother who can give you such love without expecting anything from you. Any relationship can come and go, but the relationship with mother is such a one that can never fade.

           A mother should be a very important person in your life because it is her who taught you everything and the love she gives her children are the most priceless treasure. Love your mother always and treat her well. Without her, life is meaningless. Mother, the best creature that god have created and sent us. Love and appreciate your mother because she can never be replaced.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Motivation Is The Key To Success!


            Motivations comes in many way for a human whether it is through someone they care about or through someone who cares for them. Sometimes, we have to wait in order to get something that we have been desiring for sometimes. Waiting is one of the toughest thing a person can do but it will surely worth it at the end. Everyday is an experience which will motivate us to be better everyday. Smile through everything and one day when you look back, you will have many experiences which will make you a better person each day. There are many people who are searching for motivation and inspiration in everyday life, and it is important to have enough motivation to go ahead in life. Make your life much simple and motivate yourself everyday because motivation is the key to success.

          In order to be motivated in your everyday life, it is necessary to be happy in your life and smile as much as you can. Imagine! Yes, Imagination helps you to turn dreams into reality, start your imagination with a simple situation and dream for your life. Have positive thinking and have faith in your life which will motivate you to become a better person. Never loose hope no matter how large or small a situation is. Having a positive thinking will make you feel happy, and a good nature. If you are feeling sad, call a person you trust and share your feelings with them which can make you feel much better and relaxed.

         When you face failures in your life, make sure that you are overcoming your failures. In order to overcome failures there are many things one can do by accepting their situation and reason for the failure and try to move on in their life. Be hurt for sometimes and even cry for sometimes, but after that make sure to get back with life and start motivating yourself to be a better person. When you fail at something, remember you have not failed but your time for success have been postponed. Learn a lesson from the situation, and make sure to not to repeat the same mistake again. Believe that a person who are successful have met lots of failures in their life. Move forward, plan right, Motivate yourself and Start the journey of passion with a smile.

         Motivation is when a part of you will ask you to do something to make you achieve a task. Motivation becomes much stronger when you have a clear vision on what you are doing. No matter what your goal is, through enough motivation you can achieve them. Motivations is the very important thing for a person to be successful. Without enough motivation, their will be a lack of success. Success comes to those who earns it. Have faith which will make you reach your destination. Its important for one to have enough commitment and patience when reaching for success. Have motivation and start working for a better future ahead and achieve your goals. Start your journey with Passion towards life and most of all Smile every moment.

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Saturday 26 March 2016

The Best Kind Of People

          There are some people in our life which we can never let go off and those kinds of people are the best kinds of people in our life. Some people will love us no matter what we do and always stick by our side on all ups and downs. They will show you heaven just by their presence. Your world can revolve around them because they make you feel happy every time you see them. Life is all about those people who makes you wait for the next moment. The best kind of people in your life makes you feel better and make you smile no matter how worse you are feeling. They believe in you so much where it will make you believe yourself more and look forward to tomorrow.

         People who are best in your life are those who will stick by your side on all your moods, beliefs, dreams, desires, and attitudes. They are the once that you wish to be with on all your happiness, sadness, success as well as failure. You are surrounded by them because you know that they will influence you and make you a better person. We all have limited time which we need to use it wisely without any regrets, and need to spend time with those who cares for you on all your ups and downs. Its your life so it is important to make that wisely by selecting best kind of people in your life and stay happy in your life since life is all about smiling through happiness and sadness.

         People who admire you and wants you to smile are the best kind of people because not everyone loves seeing you smile and only few who cares for us are those who wants you to smile in your life and they are the ones who gets happy to see you smile. People who want you to improve while they are improving themselves is also the one who love to see you grow as a wonderful human being. They help you in whatever way they can just to see you achieve. These are the people who spread smiles, happiness, passion as well as love. Fill your life with wonderful people like this and spend time with them because that will help them as well as you to make the world a better place for everyone to live.

         Be loyal to these people and they can be anyone in your life. They believe in you which makes you believe yourself as well. They will love you just because you are you. Make them happy because they are the ones who deserves special place in your heart. The Best Kind of people with no selfishness are very hard to see in today's world and if you have at least one person like that in your life then you must be a very lucky person, and you must hold on to them forever because they will never give up on you no matter what you do them. Be happy that you have a person who can do anything just to make you smile and never let them go. Smile, Laugh, Tell your close people how much they mean to you, and how lucky you are to have them in your life because these people are like butterfly who are hard to catch, but most beautiful in their own way.

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Saturday 13 February 2016

Expectations Hurts

          Expecting can sometimes be the most painful thing for you. Never expect anything in life because sometimes expectation leads to disappointments. By expecting, we often have an imaginations in our head but when something we wished for did not happen then it will make us feel so shattered. Its better not to expect from anyone in our life, because when the person did not do that then it is you who will loose a part of your heart. We expect things which we need and we get mentally attached to the needs and when that need did not happen then it will mentally destroy us and makes us feel unhappy. Expectations are mainly because we dwell in life of how the future will be and by imagining we are loosing  a part of time which we could have used to enjoy life. Many expectations comes from imagining about our future and when someone does not live up to those expectations then its you who will be sad. It can be hard to not expect anything from anyone but its important to live in the present and the more time you spend enjoying this minute the more happy your life will be.

          So many relationships fails because of expectations as well. A person often puts so many expectations on the other person and feels sad and depressed when they fail to do your expectations. Failure to satisfy expectations have ended huge percent of relationships in today's world. Sometimes the expectations increases depends on how long your relationship is and sometimes, there are chances for your partner fail to meet them which causes for many relationship being ended. It takes a lot of focus for you to overcome those expectations and it can increase over time and it is important to look at your life instead of calculating your plans for future, think about what you can do in present so you don't have to stress yourself in life. Just make sure that no one or nothing is affecting your happiness. When you stop expecting from others then you will free yourself and be able to see what other person is up to and you can also observe what they do and can see how they are clearly so that you can get a clear vision of them and be able to make decisions in your life.

          Overall, it is really important to love life happily. By expecting, sometimes we forgot the happiness around us, so lets work on not expecting from anyone or anything and do what we can do best and enjoy every moment of our life without complaints as well as regrets. Live is beautiful, so love every moment and be yourself. No one can love and care for you like you can do to yourself. Always live your life happily without worries and stress. When you realize that there are nothing you can loose in life then you will have more chances on how to enjoy life. You can discover yourself when you stop expecting, and can observe the child in you to have a better life. Live your life happily and smile often because at the end it is you who will always be there for you. We never know what next moment is so live for the present and stop taking life serious. 

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Friendship Are The Priceless Treasure

Friendship is a relation which everyone loves to have. Friends are the one who we can share everything with. If you are sad, then firstly you can think of a friend to share them with. One can never bear the sadness when we do not talk to our friends. Friendship is about caring for each other, and living a life together. Its about being for each other. Friends always make sure to share our troubles and sorrows. We can always count on our friends to be always there for us. There is no limit for friendship, we friends decide then they can reach for the sky. Happiness or sadness, there is always a friend who is there to be with us. There is no lie between true friendship, there is nothing that can go wrong within friends, and there is no gender for friends. If one have friends, then they can get everything in the world. Friends concealed your mistakes and will get shouting for you, and helps you to climb higher. 

Friends purify your heart and gives you confidence. They are the ones who take part in your journey. Sometimes even love can come through beauty, but friendship comes from seeing the heart. The journey of life can change but can friendship change? Ones can never forget the face of a friend. Out of all the valuable things in life, friendship is one which is very essential to live in the world. Its a precious gift of life. People who have true friends are very lucky and that they make life in to a thrilling roller coaster ride. 

One can be a true friend and through that they will get a true friend. To be a true friend, you need to always be there for your friends, be kind and listen to them, tell truth to them always, guide each other on their tasks, cheer them when they are down , be Loyal , forgive them if they made a mistake, support them, celebrate the time you both win  and last but not least be honest with them 

In order to make new friends, we must do certain things like Making a good impression where you should not feel scary to talk to people. Secondly, Join with groups, volunteer with people, go to a party and meet people with your interest and talk to them. Thirdly, be open minded and talk from your heart without any lies, Get to know a person and connect with them. Finally, be yourself and be there for people and keep in touch. 

Friendship is a relationship which brings lots of joys and happiness. Its an asset to life which can lead us to the path of success. Friendship is necessary which proves that no one can live without friends and their support. We often select our friends very carefully since we spend much time with them. Lasting friendship is a treat for life and it is as well as a blessing one can get. Good friends makes an amazing pillar of life and they help us to stand tall. It can make us and also break us since our mood is also dependent on our friends mood. Friends can help you select a good careers and proper living. Its not matter on how often you see your friends, but what matters the most is who is there for you always in both good and bad times. Be a friend, and find yourself.