
Saturday 11 July 2015

Poverty and the Effects of it!

         Poverty has become a huge issue in the world. Many adults and kids suffer because of it. The Rich is getting richer while the poor is getting poorer. Many people are not having enough of food and clothes. In some countries, people are not having proper school or clinic. How would life be if we don't have proper basic needs like food and water? Many children die because of this issue. There are many causes and effects, some causes includes historical causes like slavery, war and colonialism. Common causes includes lack of education, overpopulation, high divorce rate, changing trends in country's economy, environmental problems like rainfall. Income of inequality is also a major cause of this issue. If property occurs then there are chances for terrorism as well because much terrorist organization pushes people to join terrorism because of no income in their country.

        Isn't awkward at how some women are not allowed to go to work in some countries? Many people are having a luxurious life, but some are dying for water and food? For instance, India is a rich country according to sources where it has good education and resources, but some people are poor with no savings, low investments and very low income. The static which brought sadness is that in rural areas with 1% GDP for health is given in India. 50% don't have shelters, 70% don't have sanitation facility. Have good resources, water, minerals, transportation, industries, and most billionaire's are only from India. Also it has strong links with other countries. Many corruptions have happened in India like 2G scam, Bribes, Child labor.

       We all have responsibility to stop poverty, if we all put our effort to control the property, then one day we will have a country with no hungry stomach. To remove poverty, the government have to take action and it is necessary to address a politician's will before voting them. Think about it, if we increase the food protection and increase the agricultural land, then every one of us will get the food we need. Women empowerment is needed because the population has 50%  of women, so if women works then chances are have a developed country. Stop wasting food, eat as much as you want, but don't waste it.

      If we all put our work and effort to control poverty then one day for sure we will have a country full of happy stomach. Remember, a developed country is not when the poor has a car, but it's about rich people going on a bus. 

Monday 6 July 2015

Sad Side Of The Parents!

          Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool and a comedy for the rich and a tragedy for the poor, but what about life to the parents whose children left the, and living alone? Well, its a hell. A parent is someone who is there for you, brought you up and brought a smile in to your face by buying you all the things you wished for. They bought you clothes, got you properties for future and made you well educated. As children, we are always taught to respect our parents. It is duty of the children to take care of their parents when they grow old. As far as possible the old people must live with their children. This gives them emotional satisfaction. These days we have seen the statistic where the members of the old age home are increasing day by day. Some people are not even thinking that their parents are the reason for their existence.

        Today people want to live their life with their choices, but they need to understand that today whatever they are and whatever they have achieved would not have possible without the hard work, planning and countless sacrifices of their parents. They will understand this automatically when they enter parenthood. So our advice is please don't be selfish, respect your parents. They have spent their entire life only for the success and happiness of their kids. Now it should be our responsibility to take a very good care of them and give them a chance to feel proud of us.

       Many arrogant youngsters feel that making old parents stay with them can cause privacy issues. Many of them don't want parents to interfere with their private lives. Many are so selfish that they find it hard to take care of old, bed- ridden parents. We believe that adult children should take care of old, bed- ridden parents. We believe that adult children should take care of their elderly parents as necessary. Parents provide for the care of their children; this should be a reciprocal relationship when the child grows to adulthood. At the very least, an adult should fund the care of their elderly parent if the parents is unable to do so. Without your parents you won't be in this height you are now. So why don't you take a moment to thank them for everything they did to make you the person who you are? Thank them for being alive and giving you a life by helping them! DON'T BRING YOUR PARENTS DOWN, BECAUSE THEY BROUGHT YOU UP.